Biden and 2024

President Biden agreed to an interview with ABC correspondent George Stephanopoulos in an effort to assuage growing concerns about his Presidential candidacy after his catastrophic debate performance. Leading journalists and major newspapers have called for him to step down as a candidate. Donors and down the ballot Dems are ultra anxious. What is an 82 year old man to do? A 22 minute interview did not do the trick. He failed to move the needle and why should we be surprised? His physical and intellectual decline has been obvious for at least two years and the overt denialism from him, his family and his close circle of advisors has been disappointing and irresponsible. As I stated previously, the better course was to announce a year ago that he was not running, followed by a disciplined and transparent process to identify and nominate a dynamic new generation leader. Patriotism required putting personal ambition aside and positioning the party to defeat a Republican nominee so dangerous that his defeat is essential for the Republic. High stakes indeed! Arrogance and vanity created today’s reality. The debate performance was awful but predictable.

The interview was a “Nothing Burger.” It accomplished nothing unless the bar has dropped so low that it now rests on the ocean floor. His collar was better so kudos to the make up crew. His voice was slightly stronger, but the delivery was halting and uneven. His answers were not particularly cogent with nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in all the wrong places. There was zero policy substance. He was DEFENSIVE and DISMISSIVE on the legitimate issues concerning his stamina, mental acuity and overall fitness. He insists the polls are all flawed and that no Democrat wants him to leave the race. Frankly, patronising and irritating and I am generally fond of the fellow. Then it was over. I am agnostic on what the Dems do next, although a decision should be made soon. Of course, it is important to repeat that Trump cannot be elected again and I will pull the lever for Biden if he stays as the Democratic nominee. Unfortunately, the election is now about him and this is a strategic mistake. I fear we and the country will be forced to live with the consequences.


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